İSTEDİĞİNİZ RENKLERDE İSTEDİĞİNİZ HIZDA DAKTİLO YAZI YAZDIRIN ÇOK GÜZEL Bİ KOD <h2> <script language="JavaScript1.2"> /* Neon Lights Text By Website Abstraction ( Over 400+ free scripts here! */ var message="buraya gelmesini istedi?iniz yazyyy yazyn" var neonbasecolor="red" var neontextcolor="yellow" var flashspeed=100 //in milliseconds ///No need to edit below this line///// var n=0 if (document.all){ document.write('<font color="'+neonbasecolor+'">') for (m=0;m<message.length;m++) document.write('<span id="neonlight">'+message.charAt(m)+'</span>') document.write('</font>') //cache reference to neonlight array var tempref=document.all.neonlight } else document.write(message) function neon(){ //Change all letters to base color if (n==0){ for (m=0;m<message.length;m++) tempref[m].style.color=neonbasecolor } //cycle through and change individual letters to neon color tempref[n].style.color=neontextcolor if (n<tempref.length-1) n++ else{ n=0 clearInterval(flashing) setTimeout("beginneon()",1500) return } } function beginneon(){ if (document.all) flashing=setInterval("neon()",flashspeed) } beginneon() </script> </h2>